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  • A hacker is often referred to as an eavesdropper. Using encryption helps to minimise this risk.

  • The original data being sent is known as plaintext. Once it has gone through an encryption algorithm, it produces ciphertext:

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Symmetric encryption

  • Symmetric encryption uses an encryption key; the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the encoded message.

  • Suppose our encryption key is: 4 2 9 1 3 6 2 8 5 6

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Asymmetric encryption

  • Asymmetric encryption was developed to overcome the security problems associated with symmetric encryption.
  • It makes use of two keys called the public key and the private key.
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2Tom now uses Jane’s public key ( ) to encrypt the document he wishes to send to her
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4Jane uses her matching private key ( ) to unlock Tom’s document and decrypt it